Alejandro Jaramillo

Executive Vice President, Bladex

He is the Executive Vice President of Business for Bladex. Jaramillo has more than eight years of professional experience within the company. Before joining Bladex, he worked for nine years at BNP Paribas, both in New York and Bogotá. He is a former director of the corporate and investment banking area. Industrial Engineer from Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, and has an MBA from Columbia University, New York.

Más vídeos de Alejandro Jaramillo

Fusiones, adquisiciones y reestructuraciones
Thais Garcia, Richard Lee, Helmuth Chávez, Astrid Ayala, Jorge Luis Arenales, Rosa María Arenales, Hugo Rodríguez, Nicole Duclos, Aurélie Huet, Alejandro Jaramillo, Paul T. Schnell

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How has the acquisition, sale, and financing of business changed? | Fusiones, adquisiciones y reestructuraciones
Alejandro Jaramillo, Paul T. Schnell, Jorge Luis Arenales, Astrid Ayala

06 de noviembre de 2020