Catherine Marshall

Professor of Britannic Studies at CY Cergy Paris Université

Catherine is a professor of Britannic Studies at CY Cergy Paris Université. She is the director of the Agora Research Centre as well as the MA Political Ideas in a Digital Age. Her research focuses on the ideas of the second half of the nineteenth century and wrote about Baghot on her Ph.D. She also works on the development of political ideas in Victorian Britain and its legacy during the twentieth and twenty-first century. She is coeditor of a 3-volume critical edition of The papers of The Metaphysical Society (1869-1880)The Metaphysical Society, and Intellectual Life in Mid-Victorian England. Her newest book analyses the concept of deference from the eighteenth century to Brexit in a democratic time.

Más vídeos de Catherine Marshall

Queen Elizabeth II: A Bagehotian Monarch? | UFM Talks
Will Ogilvie Vega de Seoane, Catherine Marshall

13 de julio de 2021


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