David Dalrymple

David Dalrymple is specialist in programming languages, system architecture, web design, and abstract mathematics; he is a research affiliate of the Synthetic Neurobiology group at the MIT Media Lab. He holds a SM in Media Technology and is currently on the Biophysics PhD program at Harvard University.

Dalrymple is founder of Nemaload, an independent biophysics project in San Francisco (digital replication of simple nervous systems) and he’s working on the creation of Laboratorium, a research center like the historical Bell Labs or Xerox PARC.

Source: davidad.org

Last update: 22/10/2013

Más vídeos de David Dalrymple

Life in Silicon Valley
Juan Batiz-Benet, David Dalrymple, Riley Drake, Katriona Guthrie-Honea, Daniel Himmelstein

02 de octubre de 2013

Creation of Laboratorium
David Dalrymple

02 de octubre de 2013

Disruptive Education
Juan Batiz-Benet, David Dalrymple, Riley Drake, Katriona Guthrie-Honea, Daniel Himmelstein

02 de octubre de 2013