Gerald Faulhaber

Gerald R. Faulhaber is professor of business and public policy, management and law in the University of Pennsylvania. He received a PhD from Princeton University, a MS from New York University and an AB from Haveford College. He was Chief Economist in the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). He is author of various books, including European Economic Integration: The Role of Technology and Telecommunications in Turmoil: Technology and Public Policy.

Last update: 24/11/2007

Más vídeos de Gerald Faulhaber

Iluminando el espectro radioeléctrico: Comunicación inalámbrica en las economías desarrolladas y subdesarrolladas
Gerald Faulhaber

09 de junio de 2005

Lighting up the Spectrum: Wireless Communications in Developed and Developing Economies
Gerald Faulhaber

09 de junio de 2005