Laura Davis
Independent filmmaker, director, and screenwriter
She is an independent filmmaker, director, screenwriter, and winner of the Michener Fellow scholarship, which recognizes emerging screenwriters. Her first feature was the award-winning film, Thin Air. In 2016 she co-wrote and directed her second feature film, Inheritance, a movie made in Belize which premiered at SXSW in 2017. Her script for the pilot The Commons was selected for the 2017 Bitch List as one of the Top 10 best scripts being produced or made by a woman. Her feature script, Amor Fati, was recently selected for the Writers Out Of Office Lab in Joshua Tree.
Es cineasta independiente, directora, guionista y ganadora de la beca Michener Fellow, que reconoce guionistas emergentes. En el 2016 coescribió y dirigió su segundo largometraje, Inheritance, una historia hecha en Belice. Trabajó en HBO durante el desarrollo de un programa Piloto. Le fue otorgado un reconocimiento por su largometraje Thin Air, que participó en festivales nacionales e internacionales. Su guión para el piloto The Commons fue seleccionado para el 2017 Bitch List como uno de los 10 mejores guiones sin producirse sobre o hecho por una mujer.