Artista Emprendedor: The Business of Hollywood

Sophy Ramírez  | 24 de abril de 2020  | Vistas: 118

Business Cinema UFM Escuela de Cine y Artes Visuales Film

Hollywood is one of the biggest film industries in the world and a big group of filmmakers dream of working in it. In this forum led by Ronald Flores, the writer and cinema critic, Marc Eliot shares his view of this industry and what is the best way to tell a story. 

Marc Eliot describes the importance of every artist to achieve individuality and universality in their work because this leads to the understanding of the two pathways connected to art: business and expression. He mentions that Hollywood can be analyzed from three points of view; as a place, an industry of communication, and as an idea that searches to make people reflect and see-through film.

The film is both a window and a mirror. The window is something that we as audiences can look through to try to find who you are, what are you trying to tell us, and how you’re trying to tell us. The mirror is what we see in ourselves as we look at other people’s work.” - Marc Eliot

For him, Hollywood is a factory that doesn’t care about creating art, but in money, clarifying that the directors who overcame this obstacle and still created artistic films are the greatest directors. 

The writer expresses his perspective about the Oscars ceremony of this year and shares his opinion of Best Picture Winner, Parasite. Also, he reveals the story of how the Academy Awards started because the big producers of the industry were trying to continue with the mass-production of movies, leaving apart the basic necessities of filmmakers.

You don’t have to be in the Hollywood system, you don’t have to be American, you don’t have to be mainstream, and you can still win the best picture”.  - Marc Eliot

Marc explains that there is always an invisible character in films that represents the personality of the directors, writers, and producers that sometimes are not often perceived but they are well represented in the essence of the movie. 

To conclude, Eliot shows his admiration for the people he has written about, such as Clint Eastwood, Walt Disney, Erin Brockovich, Cary Grant, and more. He points out that he writes about personalities who fought against passivity, the ones who could achieve their dreams and do things their way leading to success.


Director del Departamento de Educación y Michael Polanyi College, Universidad Francisco Marroquín

Writer and American biographer