Facultad de Arquitectura UFM | arquitectura.ufm.edu | 72 Lecciones
Estefanía Campos | 01 de mayo de 2019 | Vistas: 165
Arquitecture Construcción Design Facultad de Arquitectura UFMChris Bosse, architect and cofounder of LAVA, a firm that fusions future technologies with patterns of organization found in nature to build a smarter, more socially and environmentally responsible future, visited UFM to talk about his company and the projects they have developed.
He describes the ideas that LAVA wants to disseminate and that inspire them: nature, technology and humankind. In his opinion, everything has been digitalized in the past years, but construction is still stuck.
If we combine principles from nature, with principles of latest technology then we have a chance to build an architecture that is always contemporary and can always be updated but is always valid in its eternal principles”.
Bosse talks about the idea of building with minimum effort, material and weight but maximum impact, along with concepts and things from nature that they have studied. Chris explains this point by showing several of the projects he has developed around the world, the objectives they had, construction process and inspiration behind.
These ideas of nature and technology have always been around, Bosse says. He talks about Leonardo Da Vinci, Frank Lloyd Wright and Frei Otto’s work, who were some of the pioneers at this, and discusses the importance of setting parameters to projects, according to the outcomes desired.
There’s multiple outcomes based on parameters we can adjust, so we can also go back within the design process in order to get a more efficient outcome”.
Then he goes further into the projects LAVA has worked on, such as the aquatic center, Beijing 2008 Olympics: an olympic water cube designed on the concept of Yin-Yang and the structure of corals, The Green Climate Fund Headquarters: a german offices building that motivates people to flow around and integrates sustainable technology. The JeJu Hills Hotel Resort, the Masdar City: a city prototype of the 21st century with zero carbon, zero waste ecology, zero emissions and cars that pretends to attract investors, scientists and students to create this project and eventually replicate it, to have sustainable cities.
I call this shaping the future because we refer to the past, we live in the present but we proyect into the future, we build a world for future generations”.
Chris then talks about Forest City in Malaysia: it is being build with the vision of translating forest into a vertical city, the Energy Storage Centre in Germany and many other interesting projects. Finally he reflects on how these new ways of construction encourage people to think outside the box and challenge the current architectural ways.
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Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín