2016 – Hannah Gregg: The Magic of Women in Film

  | 01 de noviembre de 2016  | Vistas: 32


Film colorist, Hannah Gregg, discovered 'the magic of women in film' during her time in Guatemala. Join her as she tells the story of Rosa, a dreamer with a timeless and universal tale.

Hannah’s work has been presented in MTV, Vimeo Staff Picks, National Geographic, The Atlantic, Seattle International Festival Festival, among other media. She is codirector of the short film Rosa, and "The Change Series" from Living on One, an organization that creates attractive digital content to connect youth with the reality of global poverty, and inspire them to take action. This idea was born from the documentary Living on One Dollar, that shows the reality of many Guatemalans that live with less than a dollar per day.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

Su trabajo ha sido presentado en MTV, Vimeo Staff Picks, National Geographic, The Atlantic, Seattle International Film Festival y varios medios más. Es codirectora del cortometraje Rosa y de "The Change Series" de Living on One, organización que crea contenido digital atractivo para conectar a los jóvenes con los problemas de pobreza global e inspirarlos a tomar acción. La idea nació del documental Living on One Dollar, que muestra la realidad de muchos guatemaltecos que subsisten con solamente $1 al día.

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