Historia y futuro de la Escuela Austriaca de Economía

La Escuela Austriaca de Economía, ha sido una gran influencia en la economía moderna que se utiliza en la actualidad. Gabriel Zanotti comparte la historia de esta institución junto con la trayectoria de los grandes pensadores que la conforman.  Zanotti presenta que el origen de la Escuela Austriaca comienza cuando Carl Menger intenta introducir a […]

Libertad de expresión bajo ataque

Gabriel Zanotti a través de diversos puntos desarrolla el tema de la libertad de expresión, y el ataque de que es objeto en la cultura actual, partiendo de bases filosófico-políticas relacionadas íntimamente con ese derecho propio de las instituciones republicanas o democráticas. La libertad de expresión está en la naturaleza humana”. La verdad no se […]

UELCATO 2019: Los fundamentos de la Escuela Austriaca

Durante el evento la Universidad del Cato 2019, Martín Krause, expone los orígenes, autores e ideas centrales de La Escuela Austriaca de Economía. Krause nos lleva por un recorrido histórico desde los principios de la economía con los griegos, su vinculación a la ética y las contribuciones de autores clásicos como David Hume, de David […]
Colección: UELCATO 2019

The Nature and Significance of Cities (Session I)

Professor, Sandy Ikeda develops the topic of urban policy and how cities are affected by them; for him cities are generators of ideas and economic development. To explain this, Ikeda goes through the nature of cities and the significance of social order.  Ikeda highlights some important readings that may add to the subject that is […]

The Nature and Significance of Cities (Session II)

In this second session, the professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda concentrates more on the significance of the city, contrary to the past session that was about its nature. He starts up this session by making a summary of last lecture, highlighting social network and evolution of cities as spontaneous order and diverse knowledge.  Then the […]

The Nature and Significance of Cities

In these two lessons, the professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda will explain through some writings of Friedrich von Hayek, Jane Jacobs and other authors the nature of the economic development of cities, its relation with spontaneous order and the importance of involving people in the design of them.

Why a Real City Is Messy, and What NOT to Do About It

The professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda, will explain the nature and significance of cities, emphasizing the messiness of them and why this is necessary to function and be economically valuable.  Ikeda based his work in the urbanist Jane Jacobs, one of the most important thinkers in cities and economics. He says that cities may be […]

Holacracy: The Next Step in the Evolution of Management

In this lecture Albert Loan shares a historical context of ideas regarding the source of social order, to frame and introduce what holacracy is, an idea that’s been around for years and which insights and efforts can be beneficial in the scientific community, education and even business; in his opinion holacracy can be the next […]

Historia y futuro de la Escuela Austriaca de Economía

La Escuela Austriaca de Economía, ha sido una gran influencia en la economía moderna que se utiliza en la actualidad. Gabriel Zanotti comparte la historia de esta institución junto con la trayectoria de los grandes pensadores que la conforman.  Zanotti presenta que el origen de la Escuela Austriaca comienza cuando Carl Menger intenta introducir a […]

Libertad de expresión bajo ataque

Gabriel Zanotti a través de diversos puntos desarrolla el tema de la libertad de expresión, y el ataque de que es objeto en la cultura actual, partiendo de bases filosófico-políticas relacionadas íntimamente con ese derecho propio de las instituciones republicanas o democráticas. La libertad de expresión está en la naturaleza humana”. La verdad no se […]

UELCATO 2019: Los fundamentos de la Escuela Austriaca

Durante el evento la Universidad del Cato 2019, Martín Krause, expone los orígenes, autores e ideas centrales de La Escuela Austriaca de Economía. Krause nos lleva por un recorrido histórico desde los principios de la economía con los griegos, su vinculación a la ética y las contribuciones de autores clásicos como David Hume, de David […]

Seminario Filosofía del Derecho de Bruno Leoni (Sesión 6)

El Centro Henry Hazlitt presenta esta colección sobre el libro La libertad y la ley del filósofo liberal y abogado Bruno Leoni en el que se analizan pensamientos políticos como el individualismo, liberalismo y la democracia; impartidos por el doctor en ciencias históricas y sociales Gabriele Ciampini.  En esta sesión se desarrolla el capítulo 6 […]

Seminario Filosofía del Derecho de Bruno Leoni (Sesión 7)

El Centro Henry Hazlitt presenta esta colección sobre el libro La libertad y la ley del filósofo liberal y abogado Bruno Leoni en el que se analizan pensamientos políticos como el individualismo, liberalismo y la democracia; impartidos por el doctor en ciencias históricas y sociales Gabriele Ciampini.  En esta sesión Ciampini abre la discusión sobre […]

Honorary Doctoral Degree Awarded at November 2019 Commencement to Patrik Schumacher

Universidad Francisco Marroquín granted Patrik Schumacher an honorary doctoral degree in social sciences, the maximum distinction of this house of studies and named them honorary professors for his work on the development of urbanism and liberty. After the recognition is given, Patrik Schumacher gives a speech in which he expresses his joyfulness of being now […]

The Nature and Significance of Cities (Session I)

Professor, Sandy Ikeda develops the topic of urban policy and how cities are affected by them; for him cities are generators of ideas and economic development. To explain this, Ikeda goes through the nature of cities and the significance of social order.  Ikeda highlights some important readings that may add to the subject that is […]

The Nature and Significance of Cities (Session II)

In this second session, the professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda concentrates more on the significance of the city, contrary to the past session that was about its nature. He starts up this session by making a summary of last lecture, highlighting social network and evolution of cities as spontaneous order and diverse knowledge.  Then the […]

The Nature and Significance of Cities

In these two lessons, the professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda will explain through some writings of Friedrich von Hayek, Jane Jacobs and other authors the nature of the economic development of cities, its relation with spontaneous order and the importance of involving people in the design of them.

Why a Real City Is Messy, and What NOT to Do About It

The professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda, will explain the nature and significance of cities, emphasizing the messiness of them and why this is necessary to function and be economically valuable.  Ikeda based his work in the urbanist Jane Jacobs, one of the most important thinkers in cities and economics. He says that cities may be […]

Foro Internacional del Capitalismo 2019: La nobleza del egoísmo

Warren Orbaugh habla de la benevolencia del egoísmo, una virtud criticada por los enemigos del capitalismo porque generalmente se piensa que es mejor preocuparse de los demás que del propio interés personal, sin considerar que el hombre debe buscar todo aquello que fomenta la vida y le ayuda a ser feliz. La vida, afirma Warren, […]

Holacracy: The Next Step in the Evolution of Management

In this lecture Albert Loan shares a historical context of ideas regarding the source of social order, to frame and introduce what holacracy is, an idea that’s been around for years and which insights and efforts can be beneficial in the scientific community, education and even business; in his opinion holacracy can be the next […]


Durante el evento la Universidad del Cato 2019, Martín Krause, expone los orígenes, autores e ideas centrales de La Escuela Austriaca de Economía. Krause nos lleva por un recorrido histórico desde los principios de la economía con los griegos, su vinculación a la ética y las contribuciones de autores clásicos como David Hume, de David […]
Colección: UELCATO 2019

Doctorados Honoríficos UFM

Universidad Francisco Marroquín granted Patrik Schumacher an honorary doctoral degree in social sciences, the maximum distinction of this house of studies and named them honorary professors for his work on the development of urbanism and liberty. After the recognition is given, Patrik Schumacher gives a speech in which he expresses his joyfulness of being now […]

The Nature and Significance of Cities

Professor, Sandy Ikeda develops the topic of urban policy and how cities are affected by them; for him cities are generators of ideas and economic development. To explain this, Ikeda goes through the nature of cities and the significance of social order.  Ikeda highlights some important readings that may add to the subject that is […]

The Nature and Significance of Cities

In this second session, the professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda concentrates more on the significance of the city, contrary to the past session that was about its nature. He starts up this session by making a summary of last lecture, highlighting social network and evolution of cities as spontaneous order and diverse knowledge.  Then the […]

The Nature and Significance of Cities

In these two lessons, the professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda will explain through some writings of Friedrich von Hayek, Jane Jacobs and other authors the nature of the economic development of cities, its relation with spontaneous order and the importance of involving people in the design of them.

Foro Internacional del Capitalismo 2019

Warren Orbaugh habla de la benevolencia del egoísmo, una virtud criticada por los enemigos del capitalismo porque generalmente se piensa que es mejor preocuparse de los demás que del propio interés personal, sin considerar que el hombre debe buscar todo aquello que fomenta la vida y le ayuda a ser feliz. La vida, afirma Warren, […]