  • 00:00    |    
    Initial credits
  • 00:06    |    
    Introduction by Luis Figueroa
  • 00:14    |    
    Are green jobs truly effective?
  • 01:59    |    
    Is it true that in Spain green jobs cost more than they produce?
  • 04:10    |    
    Is there a contradiction between being green and productive?
  • Quotes n , Christian Sandström
  • 05:48    |    
    What are the reactions to the lack of evidence to support the green industry?
  • 07:06    |    
    What options does Europe have regarding its economic problems?
  • 08:57    |    
    Is this economy principle applicable to the United States?
  • 10:58    |    
    What are the options for developing countries in terms of energy technology?
  • 12:46    |    
    Final words
  • 12:54    |    
    Final credits

Are Green Jobs Promising the Moon?

New Media  | 17 de junio de 2013  | Vistas: 10

Christian Sandström discusses the effectiveness of green jobs, which refer to those that aid in the improvement of the environment and lessen the destructive impact on the planet. He shades light on their true efficacy, as well as on the lack of evidence to support a positive outcome. He tells that many politicians have used the term to persuade voters claiming they will reactivate the economy with the green industry, though, there are cases which have proved the opposite. Furthermore, Sandström states his concerns about the green industry not being self-sufficient and how it depends on subsidies to grow; funding that eventually is charged in the form of taxes upon citizens. Overall, he urges to reevaluate the place of the renewable energy industry.


Christian Sandström holds a PhD in Innovation Management from Chalmers University…


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Universidad Francisco Marroquín