Human Liberty versus Collectivism

Sophy Ramírez  | 29 de noviembre de 2019  | Vistas: 111

Doctor in economics, Christopher Lingle, discusses the moral differences between human liberty and collectivism from a social perspective emphasizing the importance of humanity.

Lingle gives a breakdown of the topics he is going to discuss such as human action, social control, moral impulses, social actions and justice. First, he describes family as a socialist system that may work, but if we apply socialism in a general community the system becomes more complicated. 

Nature and scale of social control determine the power of the controller”.

He points out some thoughts that may make people believe socialism is beneficial to society, such as the desire to act morally, the perception of wealth equality and the idea that is a more compassion and warmth system for the people. However, he explains that the problem has never been inequality but the power of privileges and making things on the expenses of others, injustice and lack of liberty. 

Then, Lingle mentions the variants of socialism according to the social, economic, and political problems that had caused in countries with governments of this political ideology, taking more care of groups of people and not for individuals, such as capitalism does. 

Capitalism, it’s not an «ism», is human action, is not a political project, socialism is a political project, an invention, capitalism is something we develop by interacting with each other is just a human activity.”

The economist explains the incoherence of social justice because it suddenly obligates individuals to act in a certain way. Then he mentions that socialism has failed because central planning doesn’t work as people change their ideas and interests every time. 

The adjective social in front of justice adds nothing to the concept of justices, in fact, it creates confusion. We should only talk about human justice.”

Lingle advises on how to make better governments and fight corruption by taking more care about individuals and ending with privileges, he describes individualism and its differences with collectivism emphasizing the importance of humanity.

To conclude, Lingle explains human liberty, which focuses on individual rights and its benefits. 

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Ph.D. in Economics


Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín