  • 00:00    |    
    Initial credits
  • 00:06    |    
    Introduction by Luis Figueroa
  • 00:10    |    
    Why is implantology helpful for the health of patients?
  • 02:01    |    
    What is the "International Congress of Oral Implantology" (ICOI)?
  • 02:24    |    
    How does the ICOI work with students all over the world?
  • 03:25    |    
    Why did you choose Universidad Francisco Marroquín in order to teach this course?
  • 04:11    |    
    Why did you choose Dentistry as a professional career?
  • 06:28    |    
    Final words
  • 06:34    |    
    Final credits

Importance of Oral Implantology

New Media  | 02 de agosto de 2014  | Vistas: 19

Importance of Oral Implantology

Senichi Suzuki explains why oral implantology helps the health of patients and its relationship with diseases like alzheimer and pneumonia. Also, he mentions the role of academic and professional events around the world, such as the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI). At the end, Suzuki shares his motivations for choosing Dentistry as his professional career and teaching the course to students of Universidad Francisco Marroquín.

Senichi Suzuki Terraza Odontología Universidad Francisco Marroquín Guatemala, August 2, 2014 A New Media-UFM production. Guatemala, December 2015

Camera: Michelle Maldonado, José Galindo; digital editing: Michelle Maldonado; index and synopsis: Josué Morales; content review: Juan Diego Vizcaíno


Dr. Senichi Suzuki Fuente: www.ufm.eduÚltima actualización: 15/12/2014


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Universidad Francisco Marroquín