Digital Perspectives to Reach, Connect and Impact Consumers

Estefanía Campos  | 23 de marzo de 2018  | Vistas: 128

Ashley Mohan, head of advertising sales and operation, and catalyst at Google was invited to Marketing Day 2018; a yearly event organized by Facultad de Ciencias Económicas to share her overview on the digital perspectives to reach, connect and impact consumers.

Did you know, it was only 10 years ago that the Iphone was introduced by Steve Jobs? The Facebook went global? And YouTube was bought by Google?

According to Mohan, in the past years, consumers have become addicted to digital platforms. In Central America and the Caribbean, will be 40 million people with access to Internet by 2020. Today almost 60% of them have access to smartphones.

She shares some interesting facts about Guatemala’s status on this aspect; in Guatemala, 6.2 million people have access to internet. Guatemala is an “Android first” country because 88% have an Android and 72% of the population is young.

This is revolutionizing the way that companies and brands are starting to interact with you, and the way that you are starting to interact with those brands.”

Another curious fact is that the average person looks at their phone 150 times a day approximately. Ashley shares the biggest trends in the use people are giving to their phones.

We are not just connected; we are living online.”

Later she describes the characteristics of what Google calls “micro moments”, or ways that consumers use their smartphones. These four moments are:



Learn about Guatemala’s overview in the use of smartphones according to Google’s micro moments. Later, the three questions you should be asking yourself to evaluate your brand and take them in consideration in you online strategy to get better outcomes. Get inspired with cases of success in which brands discovered powerful insights that made them transform their online strategy and the results were incredible.


Head of Advertising Sales and Operation, Catalyst at Google


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