New Media | 24 de junio de 2009 | Vistas: 802
Max Manwaring explains the importance of governance and stability and how these are related to security. He traces the different ideas regarding governance systems throughout history, beginning with Plato and up through the Russian Revolution. He emphasizes that countries need some type of governance that ensures general welfare and explores the role of non-state actors in conflicts. A government that works with a different purpose than that of the general will is likely to fall, which occasionally will result in what Dr. Manwaring calls, a failed state. Dr. Manwaring also explores the significance of legitimacy in government. One imperative condition for security is social peace, which can only be achieved when the law is applied to ensure justice. Finally, he describes how the idea of impartial law, which sprang from the Magna Carta, written in eleventh-century England, has inspired constitutions around the globe.
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