The Role of the Leader in Processes of Reform and Crisis

New Media  | 27 de octubre de 2016  | Vistas: 534

Social entrepreneur, Elena Panaritis states:

The fact that there has been a crisis, shows that there has not been leadership before.”

She shares her thoughts on the importance of a good leader in processes of crisis where this breakdown causes a lot of poverty, unemployment and social problems that can be beneficial if we are able to break the vicious cycle of decision makers helping special interests and look for innovative reforms.

Later Panaritis discusses the relationship between leadership and entrepreneurship as well as the main characteristics and assets of if, where she says:

The leader is an entrepreneur of its own, and it’s a lonely entrepreneur because it’s an innovator.”

A new tendency, according to her, is social entrepreneurship, where the entrepreneur engages with the common good and connects the private with the public sector for the evolution of the next stage of a community. Elena also shares the most extraordinary experiences she has had in reform processes as well as the worst moments she’s been through.

Don’t miss her literary recommendations to learn more about this topic!


Economist and expert in property rights and in the design as…