Michael K. Deaver

Michael K. Deaver (1938–2007) was vicepresident of Edelman Worldwide from 1995 up until his death in August 2007. He worked as Ronald Reagan’s assistant when he was California’s Governor and when he came to the presidency. He was a professional communicator that appeared on television programs, commenting on political affairs; and author of A Different Drummer: My Thirty Years with Ronald Reagan; Why I am a Reagan Conservative and Nancy: A Portrait of My Years with Nancy Reagan.

Source: www.ufm.edu

Last update: 22/08/2009

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Doctorados Honoríficos UFM
Robert J. Barro, John A. Allison, Joaquín M. Fuster, George Gilder, Michael A. Walker, John Blundell, Walter Williams, Armen A. Alchian, Jerry L. Jordan, Peter Thiel, Lawrence H. White, Jesús Huerta de Soto, Charles Murray, José Piñera, Francisco Pérez de Antón, Michael Novak, Arnold C. Harberger, James D. Gwartney, Jacques Garello, Michael K. Deaver, Edward H. Crane, Alejandro Chafuen, Gabriel Calzada, Rocco Buttiglione, José María Aznar, Dick Armey, Dora de Ampuero, Barbara Oakley, Miguel Anxo Bastos, Richard Ebeling, Juan Ramón Rallo, Richard E. Wagner

26 de octubre de 2017

Doctorado Honorífico a Michael K. Deaver durante el Acto de Graduación
Michael K. Deaver

06 de mayo de 2006

Interview with Michael K. Deaver
Michael K. Deaver

04 de mayo de 2006


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