Eric Daniels

Eric Daniels is research assistant professor at Clemson University’s Institute for the Study of Capitalism. Previously, he was a postdoctoral fellow and visiting professor at Duke University’s Program on Values and Ethics in the Marketplace. He is an expert on American political and intellectual history and has lectured internationally. Dr. Daniels contributed to the Oxford Companion to United States History and wrote a chapter in The Abolition of Antitrust. He is also the coauthor of the US Economic Freedom Index, 2008 Report. He has written articles that have appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the San Diego Business Journal. He holds a PhD in american history from University of Wisconsin at Madison.

Last update: 30/04/2009

Más vídeos de Eric Daniels

Interview with Eric Daniels by Luis Figueroa
Eric Daniels

05 de abril de 2009

Ayn Rand on Capitalism
Eric Daniels

04 de abril de 2009


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