Jamila Raqib

Jamila Raqib is the executive director of the Albert Einstein Institution, an organization that focuses on the advancement of freedom and democracy around the world through non-violent actions. She is also an affiliated researcher at the Center for International Studies at MIT. When he was five, Raqib and his family fled Soviet oppression in Afghanistan. He studied at Simmons College in Boston. He joined the Albert Einstein Institution in 2002 and collaborated closely with its founder Gene Sharp, the world’s foremost expert on non-violent strategic struggle. Together they published Self-Liberation: A Guide to Strategic Planning for Action to End Dictatorship or Other Oppression, a book that has been used around the world as a practical guide to nonviolent resistance.

Más vídeos de Jamila Raqib

College Freedom Forum
Yulia Marushevska, Jamila Raqib, Rosa María Payá, Abdalaziz Alhamza, Anastasia Lin, Danilo Maldonado Machado, Tutu Alicante, Jean-Robert Cadet, Marcel Granier, Thor Halvorssen, Wael Ghonim, Daniel Pérez, Edipcia Dubón, Ti-Anna Wang, Jerry Sesanga, Leyla Hussein

09 de abril de 2019

The Power of Nonviolent Action in Guatemala and Beyond
Jamila Raqib

06 de octubre de 2017

The power of nonviolent resistance to defend human liberty
Jamila Raqib

21 de julio de 2017


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