John Chisholm

John Chisholm has three decades of experience as general manager and entrepreneur. He is currently serial software entrepreneur/CEO at John Chisholm Ventures. Previously, he founded and served as CEO/Chairman of CustomerSat (now part of MarketTools) and Decisive Technology (now part of Google). He is a member of the Development Committee of the MIT Corporation; trustee of the Santa Fe Institute and the Seasteading Institute. He also chairs the MIT Club of Northern California; and helps young entrepreneurs start new high-tech businesses throught the MIT Venture Mentoring Service. Chisholm holds a BS and a MS in electrical engineering and computer science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a MBA from Harvard University.

Más vídeos de John Chisholm

2011 – John Chisholm:
Release your Inner Company
John Chisholm

03 de septiembre de 2011

Luis Ayala, John Chisholm, , Geraldina Baca-Spross, Rocio Pinto, Christian Van Der Henst, José Raúl González Merlo, Grete Pasch, Michael Strong, Quinn Stewart, Katya Braun Valle, , Adrian Catalan, Estuardo Rodríguez Azpurú, Matt Dalio, Sugata Mitra, Alberto Garín, María Wer, Andrés Marroquín, Stephanie Falla, Axel Paredes, Hugo Maul, Manuel F. Ayau

14 de marzo de 2018

MIT GSW 2015: Difficult Decisions in Entrepreneurship
Mario Salazar, John Chisholm, Fernando Poma, Manuel Carranza

26 de marzo de 2015

Entrepreneurship and Complex Systems
John Chisholm

21 de enero de 2014

Reflections on Entrepreneurship, Society and Ethics
John Chisholm

07 de abril de 2011

Entrepreneurship and Ethics
John Chisholm

06 de abril de 2011


Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín