Diferentes formas de diseñar una ciudad libre

Gonzalo Melián explica qué las ciudades libres son una idea que rompe con el concepto tradicional, la cual está pensada para mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos que se encuentran oprimidos por dictaduras socialistas o en subdesarrollo. Respecto a la situación legal de las mismas, plantea que son ciudades independientes, no pertenecen a […]

Ética en el capitalismo

Fred Kofman comenta que algunos empresarios, y principalmente los exitosos, se sienten culpables y piensan que le deben algo a la sociedad o que ganar dinero es un crimen pero explica que el campo de batalla del capitalismo es la ética, por lo cual es importante tomar en consideración que son los mercantilistas o empresarios […]

Secession as a Continuum

Many intellectuals have agreed that the governments have managed to legally monopolize violence, and every political system has struggled to maintain and secure its power and influence over the citizens. Jason Sorens explains the process of secession, describing it as the withdrawal of a territory from the sovereignty of an existing state, and how this relates to the […]

Private Neighborhoods in the United States: The Transformation of Local Government

Free cities have always existed in history since the beginning of our civilization, proving the benefits they entail to human beings. Robert H. Nelson talks about private community associations in the United States. He explains how they came to be and the role they have acquired in the life of American citizens who live among […]

Sheldon Bernstein: The 8 Essentials of Innovation

Sheldon Bernstein, Chief Strategy Officer at Blue Ocean IQ, joined the event Business Day 2022 of the Faculty of Economics at Universidad Francisco Marroquín. In his conference, ‘The 8 Essentials of Innovation’, he talked about the essence behind innovation and the ways you can make it work in your business. He emphasizes that innovation in […]

Tony Woodlief: Solutions to Economic, Political, and Social Problems

In Antigua Forum 2022, Francisco González interviewed Tony Woodlief, executive vice president at State Policy Network (SPN). Woodlief works with state-based leaders and organizations to generate solutions to economic, political, and social problems in the US. Tony explained how polarization is affecting the democratic system of government and state politics, and also how the political […]

Could Spiderman Afford to Live in New York? | UFM Talks

In this UFM talk, Nolan Gray and Olav Dirkmaat analyzed the real estate market and the effects that government regulations have on housing affordability by studying the case of the fictional character Spider-Man under the question, could Spider-Man Afford to Live in New York? Olav Dirkmaat gave a panoramic on housing policy in Guatemala and […]

Hiding in Plain Sight: Surviving the Holocaust

In the Holocaust between five to six million Jewish were killed, and just a few survived. Allan J. Hall shares the anecdotes written in his book, Hiding in plain sight, which narrates how he and his family survived the Holocaust in Poland during the war (1939-1945). Hall mentions he was raised in Cracow, Poland, and […]

How Does Paris Get Fed?

Sandford Ikeda questions how social cooperation and spontaneous order takes place, with an analogy of the question, How does Paris get fed?, considering obstacles for economic development. He describes the designed order like the one that takes away individuality, that is imposed and people do not pursue their plans but the designer’s ambitions. Contrarily to […]

Why a Real City Is Messy, and What NOT to Do About It

The professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda, will explain the nature and significance of cities, emphasizing the messiness of them and why this is necessary to function and be economically valuable.  Ikeda based his work in the urbanist Jane Jacobs, one of the most important thinkers in cities and economics. He says that cities may be […]

Diferentes formas de diseñar una ciudad libre

Gonzalo Melián explica qué las ciudades libres son una idea que rompe con el concepto tradicional, la cual está pensada para mejorar la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos que se encuentran oprimidos por dictaduras socialistas o en subdesarrollo. Respecto a la situación legal de las mismas, plantea que son ciudades independientes, no pertenecen a […]

Ética en el capitalismo

Fred Kofman comenta que algunos empresarios, y principalmente los exitosos, se sienten culpables y piensan que le deben algo a la sociedad o que ganar dinero es un crimen pero explica que el campo de batalla del capitalismo es la ética, por lo cual es importante tomar en consideración que son los mercantilistas o empresarios […]

Secession as a Continuum

Many intellectuals have agreed that the governments have managed to legally monopolize violence, and every political system has struggled to maintain and secure its power and influence over the citizens. Jason Sorens explains the process of secession, describing it as the withdrawal of a territory from the sovereignty of an existing state, and how this relates to the […]

Private Neighborhoods in the United States: The Transformation of Local Government

Free cities have always existed in history since the beginning of our civilization, proving the benefits they entail to human beings. Robert H. Nelson talks about private community associations in the United States. He explains how they came to be and the role they have acquired in the life of American citizens who live among […]

Sheldon Bernstein: The 8 Essentials of Innovation

Sheldon Bernstein, Chief Strategy Officer at Blue Ocean IQ, joined the event Business Day 2022 of the Faculty of Economics at Universidad Francisco Marroquín. In his conference, ‘The 8 Essentials of Innovation’, he talked about the essence behind innovation and the ways you can make it work in your business. He emphasizes that innovation in […]

Tony Woodlief: Solutions to Economic, Political, and Social Problems

In Antigua Forum 2022, Francisco González interviewed Tony Woodlief, executive vice president at State Policy Network (SPN). Woodlief works with state-based leaders and organizations to generate solutions to economic, political, and social problems in the US. Tony explained how polarization is affecting the democratic system of government and state politics, and also how the political […]

Could Spiderman Afford to Live in New York? | UFM Talks

In this UFM talk, Nolan Gray and Olav Dirkmaat analyzed the real estate market and the effects that government regulations have on housing affordability by studying the case of the fictional character Spider-Man under the question, could Spider-Man Afford to Live in New York? Olav Dirkmaat gave a panoramic on housing policy in Guatemala and […]

Hiding in Plain Sight: Surviving the Holocaust

In the Holocaust between five to six million Jewish were killed, and just a few survived. Allan J. Hall shares the anecdotes written in his book, Hiding in plain sight, which narrates how he and his family survived the Holocaust in Poland during the war (1939-1945). Hall mentions he was raised in Cracow, Poland, and […]

How Does Paris Get Fed?

Sandford Ikeda questions how social cooperation and spontaneous order takes place, with an analogy of the question, How does Paris get fed?, considering obstacles for economic development. He describes the designed order like the one that takes away individuality, that is imposed and people do not pursue their plans but the designer’s ambitions. Contrarily to […]

Why a Real City Is Messy, and What NOT to Do About It

The professor of economics, Sandford Ikeda, will explain the nature and significance of cities, emphasizing the messiness of them and why this is necessary to function and be economically valuable.  Ikeda based his work in the urbanist Jane Jacobs, one of the most important thinkers in cities and economics. He says that cities may be […]

The Future of Free Cities

Many intellectuals have agreed that the governments have managed to legally monopolize violence, and every political system has struggled to maintain and secure its power and influence over the citizens. Jason Sorens explains the process of secession, describing it as the withdrawal of a territory from the sovereignty of an existing state, and how this relates to the […]

The Future of Free Cities

Free cities have always existed in history since the beginning of our civilization, proving the benefits they entail to human beings. Robert H. Nelson talks about private community associations in the United States. He explains how they came to be and the role they have acquired in the life of American citizens who live among […]

Antigua Forum

In Antigua Forum 2022, Francisco González interviewed Tony Woodlief, executive vice president at State Policy Network (SPN). Woodlief works with state-based leaders and organizations to generate solutions to economic, political, and social problems in the US. Tony explained how polarization is affecting the democratic system of government and state politics, and also how the political […]