New Media | 21 de enero de 2014 | Vistas: 47
James Schuler and Mickey Costa share the lessons they have learned during the co-founding of Fund Elevator, a recently-created company centered in crowdfunding for political change. Fund Elevator uses an innovative platform to obtain donations for campaign funding from individuals who are interested in specific political issues. Using this method, Schuler and Costa hope to allow more citizens to run for office in the United States - not just those who have leverage to get the funding.
Their different backgrounds and education models, combined with a steady relationship dynamic, are crucial to the current success of their business. Both Schuler and Costa stress the importance of maintaining such an alliance, since it continually challenges its members and strengthens business structure through constructive criticism. Their advice for future entrepreneurs includes: reacting to the market’s changing needs and being willing to pivot, mastering the art of self-learning and finding a niche. Working hard is not enough: working smart is the key to achieving. Schuler and Costa are expecting new success and continually exploring new frontiers. Theirs is one of the many praiseworthy examples of young social entrepreneur success.
James Schüler is an entrepreneur, CTO and cofounder of; former…
Mickey Costa is CEO and cofounder of He holds a…
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