  • 00:00    |    
    Initial credits
  • 00:20    |    
  • 00:40    |    
    Why is the APEE conference being held in Guatemala?
    • Personal anecdote
    • Success of this APEE conference
  • 06:01    |    
    Why does the association emphasize education?
  • 07:50    |    
    Final words
  • 07:57    |    
    Final credits

Interview with J.R. Clark by Luis Figueroa

New Media  | 06 de abril de 2009  | Vistas: 420

In this interview, J. R. Clark explains why the thirty-fourth annual APEE conference was held in Guatemala—a meeting which turned out to be the second largest in the association's history. He describes the growing influence of Latin American scholars in the association, particularly from Universidad Francisco Marroquín, as well as their contributions to the critical literature in classical liberalism. Clark also emphasizes the key role educators play in disseminating the ideas of freedom, free markets, and individual responsibility to the widest audience possible.
