New Media | 22 de marzo de 2012 | Vistas: 56
Michael Hambidge shares his research discoveries on infant and maternal health and development, performed in Chimaltenango. He explains the reasons for carrying out this investigation, as well as the motivations and interests that led to such important findings.
He lectures about the worldwide situation on child mortality and underdevelopment, focusing on the different variables that have influenced this health-related situation.
Hambidge tells about the role micronutrients play in an infant’s development, and talks about the importance of prenatal and preconception nutrition. Based on multi-country studies, along with common protocol data, he explains the existing relationship between the height and weight of the children measured. He also comments on the window of opportunity in regards to interventions that can be implemented when a deficit in micronutrients is present, but focuses on the importance of key moments of prevention and intervention in the early stages of preconception and post conception.
Finally, he explains the role of the epigenome concerning the modifications on the genetic material of the cell based on the social, environmental, and genetic conditions of a person.
Michael Hambidge is pediatric gastroenterologist. He is Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics…
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