Seminar – Liberalism 1.0 – Daniel Klein

Sophy Ramírez  | 07 de agosto de 2017  | Vistas: 28

Classical Liberalism Economics Liberalism Politics

Liberalism is a subject that has much to offer not only to the economic system but to society.  The Facultad de Ciencias Económicas presents this seminar lead by the economist, Daniel Klein, who boards different problems that liberalism has faced during its development. The themes that he addresses are:

  • The story and origin of liberalism 
  • Why do government officials believe in the goodness of bad policy? 
  • The demand for the supply of assurance
  • Majoritarian departmental politics and the professional pyramid 

In every session, the economist presents the benefits of liberalism in the economy, politics, education, and society. He also shows the consequences of government intervention and encourages students to be academically independent, to support, develop, and accept new ideas that could improve society. 

Some people think that just if you’re not on the left you just have to keep quiet for six years get your tenure and then you can come out and do all your great heroic challenging critical stuff, but you know it’s not just six years, these are the most formative years of your life, if you’ve not gotten in the practice of actually developing your beliefs and learning how to express those and research those you’ve missed the boat.” - Daniel Klein

Join us in this seminar, and learn about governmental policies, another way to approach demand and supply, the consequences of groupthink, and how to develop a philosophy.


Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín