Cine foro UFM: Point Blank (2010), a french film directed by Fred Cavayé

Estefanía Campos  | 16 de junio de 2021  | Vistas: 46

Marc Eliot, writer, film historian and visiting professor at UFM’s School of Film and Visual Media, gave students his review and analysis on Point Blank (2010), french movie directed by Fred Cavayé, that he describes as one of the best films he has seen in a long time.

That is what makes this film different from pure action films, is that there’s something else going on. While everybody else is involved in some crazy extortion plot, we care about an innocent man drawn into a plot which he has no idea what it is about”.

He described the characteristics of Alfred Hitchcock movies that can be found in Point Blank, like the constant battle between good and bad where there is always an innocent man drawn into a conflict that involves good and evil. Also gave interesting facts about the production of the film and emphasized that the plot, like in Hitchcock films, doesn’t really matter, but the story and what happens to the main characters.

This film is not about the USB, it's about the regular Hitchcock themes, the wrong man, an innocent man drawn into a conflict, the battle between good and evil, here are split into two characters, the switching of sides and finally, the justice that is served. We don’t care about the police, what we care about is the real justice of the film”.

Finally Marc looks back at the journey of the course World of Cinema that he imparted to film students, where he made them watch films without being distracted by plots.

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