Activists and Human Rights Defenders Sharing their Experiences

New Media UFM  | 10 de marzo de 2023  | Vistas: 28

Activistas College Freedom Forum Derechos Humanos Human Rights Foundation

The College Freedom Forum is an initiative of the Human Rights Foundation (HRF), an organization that promotes the defense of human rights around the world. In the sixth edition of the event held at the Francisco Marroquin University, activists from different countries present their experiences in the pursuit of freedom and the fight against human rights violations.

In the discussion panel, UFM’s Vice President Roberto Quevedo and three activists and human rights defenders: Omar Alshogre, Toufah Jallow, and Chemi Lhamo, centered on the importance of human rights advocacy and the challenges faced by activists in different parts of the world.

The panel discussion served as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for human rights and the importance of collective action in achieving lasting change. The College Freedom Forum was a powerful and inspiring event that left attendees with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of human rights, justice, and liberty.

We invite you to watch the lectures and interviews from the College Freedom Forum 2020.


Decano, Facultad de Arquitectura UFM

Director for Detainee Affairs, Syrian Emergency Task Force

Author and Human Rights Advocate

Human Rights Advocate and Community Organizer


Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín