Ethan Nadelmann

Ethan Nadelmann is the founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance. He takes a public health – rather than a criminal justice – approach to the War on Drugs advocating for the application of harm reduction principles. He taught politics and public affairs at Princeton University, where he formed the Princeton Working Group on the Future of Drug Use and Alternatives to Drug Prohibition. Nadelmann earned a BA, JD and PhD in Political Science from Harvard University, and a master’s degree in International Relations from the London School of Economics.

Last update: 20/02/2012

Más vídeos de Ethan Nadelmann

The Role of Science and Individual Rights in Drug Policies
Ethan Nadelmann

16 de febrero de 2012

What is the role of science and individual rights in drug policies? Is the war on drugs, a lost war?
Ethan Nadelmann

16 de febrero de 2012

Rol de la ciencia y derechos individuales en las políticas sobre drogas ¿La guerra contra las drogas está perdida?
Ethan Nadelmann

16 de febrero de 2012