New Media | 22 de octubre de 2014 | Vistas: 51
Chistopher Lingle starts his digression by informing the audience that we are being fooled into believing that the world economy is stable. The perpetuators are the central bank policies. He comments on how the misunderstood in monetary policy dynamic plays an important role in economics downturns and points out that there are no correct economic evaluations in a non-spontaneous market. He expounds the relationship between business men in public sector and banks, the perpetual-motion machines, as he calls them, as well as the concept of central banks. He also discusses process of wealth creation and how it is linked with fiscal policy. Lingle talks about the main differences between conventional and unconventional monetary policies and its impact in economic growth of society, countries. He argues that there are promoted by well known incentives. According to his experience, he shares that individuals do things in order to evaluate the best benefit, and that this is the reason why the government should not interfere in the monetary market.
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín