  • 00:01    |    
    Opening credits
  • 32.5    |    
    Introduction by Fritz Thomas
  • Dr. Stephen Covey's presentation
  • 01:59.5    |    
    • What is the difference between how people work today in contrast to other times?
    • How can this change be interpreted by the average man?
    • What are the principles of leadership? What is the difference between principles and methods?
    • What is organizational greatness? Can any organization aspire to greatness?
    • Is greatness a zero-sum game?
    • What is the role of leadership in societies and organizations?
    • (Pause for next segment)
    • Why is trust the highest form of human motivation?
    • Do you think there are essentially good people?
    • How do you deal with people who do not want to cooperate?
    • What is the role of individual freedom in an organizational culture?
    • What constitutes a highly effective family?
    • Is Franklin Covey a global firm?
    • Can your message be applied to small organizations as well as to big ones?
    • How can the society build up the right leadership? Why is entrepreneurship sometimes conceived in a negative form?
  • 33:20.5    |    
    Final words by Dr. Stephen Covey
  • 36:21.5    |    
    Final credits

Interview with Stephen Covey by Fritz Thomas

New Media  | 22 de junio de 2008  | Vistas: 1739

About this video

Stephen R. Covey, author of the bestseller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, has revolutionized the paradigms about work, culture, and organizational efficiency. In this interview for a local TV program, Libre Encuentro, hosted by Fritz Thomas, Dean of the School of Economic Sciences at UFM, Covey discusses the principles of leadership, explains the concept of organizational greatness, and states that trust is the highest form of human motivation. He also emphasizes that principles are general guidelines which can be applied to individuals, families, companies, and governments to achieve high levels of effectiveness.


Interview with Stephen Covey by Fritz Thomas
Stephen Covey, Fritz Thomas

Programa Libre Encuentro
Guatemala, June 22th 2008

Streaming video conversion by New Media - UFM. Guatemala, June 2008
Video conversion: Jorge Samayoa; index and sinopsis: Christiaan Ketelaar; content reviser: Daphne Ortiz; publication: Mario Pivaral / Carlos Petz
