James D. Gwartney

James D. Gwartney is professor of economics and director of the Stavros Center for the Advancement of Free Enterprise and Economic Education at Florida State University. Gwartney is a former chief economist of the Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress and coauthor of books and publications on economic freedom, including Economics: Private and Public Choice, Economic Freedom of the World, and What Everyone Should Know about Economics and Prosperity. Gwartney obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Washington and holds an Honorary Doctorate from Universidad Francisco Marroquín. He is also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. His articles have appeared in various academic journals, including American Economic Review, Cato Journal, and European Journal of Political Economy.

Last update: 09/05/2008

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Doctorados Honoríficos UFM
Robert J. Barro, John A. Allison, Joaquín M. Fuster, George Gilder, Michael A. Walker, John Blundell, Walter Williams, Armen A. Alchian, Jerry L. Jordan, Peter Thiel, Lawrence H. White, Jesús Huerta de Soto, Charles Murray, José Piñera, Francisco Pérez de Antón, Michael Novak, Arnold C. Harberger, James D. Gwartney, Jacques Garello, Michael K. Deaver, Edward H. Crane, Alejandro Chafuen, Gabriel Calzada, Rocco Buttiglione, José María Aznar, Dick Armey, Dora de Ampuero, Barbara Oakley, Miguel Anxo Bastos, Richard Ebeling, Juan Ramón Rallo, Richard E. Wagner, Elena Leontjeva, Mary L. G. Theroux

26 de octubre de 2017

Interview with James D. Gwartney by Carroll Ríos de Rodríguez
James D. Gwartney

03 de mayo de 2008

Doctorado Honorífico durante el Acto de Graduación (Mayo 2008)
James D. Gwartney

03 de mayo de 2008

The Importance of Economic Freedom for Economic Growth
James D. Gwartney

02 de mayo de 2008

Economic Freedom of the World Index: Interview by Eduardo Smith (Prensa Libre)
James D. Gwartney

02 de mayo de 2008

Discurso de James Gwartney durante el Acto de Entrega de Distinciones Académicas (Mayo 2008)
James D. Gwartney

02 de mayo de 2008

James D. Gwartney’s speech during the Academic Distinctions Ceremony (May 2008)
James D. Gwartney

02 de mayo de 2008