Fostering Freedom and Innovation KEC | Rosolino Candela

In the video, Rosolino Candela, a professor of economics, introduces the Kirzner Entrepreneurship Center, highlighting its mission to explore the essential role of entrepreneurship in economic life. The center aims to understand how the entrepreneurial market process enables individuals to benefit from productive specialization and exchange, ultimately leading to peaceful, productive, and fulfilling lives in a society characterized by freedom and responsibility.

The purpose of the Kirzner Entrepreneurship Center is to understand not only the role of Entrepreneurship and economic life but the role of the entrepreneurial Market process.” — Rosolino Candela

The center is named after Professor Israel Kirzner, a pivotal figure who revitalized the understanding of entrepreneurship in economic theory, particularly during the mid-20th century. His work challenged the prevailing focus on market equilibrium, emphasizing instead the dynamic nature of markets and the critical role that entrepreneurs play in driving this process.

The role of the entrepreneur according to Israel Kirzner is the human propensity for individuals to realize previously unnoticed profit opportunities.” — Rosolino Candela

Candela notes that Kirzner's insights reveal the necessity of focusing on how entrepreneurs facilitate productive specialization and exchange, rather than simply analyzing markets in terms of static equilibrium. This perspective allows for a deeper understanding of how individuals coordinate their lives and achieve social cooperation without central command.

Liberty is essential in order for individuals to discover what those opportunities are, not just in terms of economic advancement but also advancement of their lives.” — Rosolino Candela

Moreover, the impact of entrepreneurship extends beyond economic considerations; it carries significant moral and social implications. The freedom afforded to individuals is crucial for discovering new opportunities, which enables them to pursue personal aspirations and contribute meaningfully to society.

In order for any society to realize Economic Development and human flourishing, the only way to do that is to harness the creative potential of every individual in society.” — Rosolino Candela

Ultimately, Candela concludes by stressing that Kirzner's work illustrates the importance of harnessing the creative potential of every individual, including the marginalized, for genuine economic development and human flourishing. The Kirzner Entrepreneurship Center embodies this commitment to exploring and promoting entrepreneurship as a vital driver of progress in society.


Senior Fellow, F.A. Hayek Program at Mercatus Center


Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín