Universidad Francisco Marroquín | ufm.edu | 52 Lecciones
Estefanía Campos | 06 de abril de 2017 | Vistas: 739
Honorary Doctoral Degree UFMThe board of directors of Universidad Francisco Marroquín granted Dr. Matt Ridley an Honorary doctoral degree in social sciences, the maximum distinction of this house of studies and named him honorary professor for his contribution to the noble cause of liberty and the empire of reason.
Lourdes Corado gives the words of acknowledgment and mentions some of Ridley’s outstanding contributions through his provocative and profound ideas. She describes how his work invites us to reconsider themes traditionally learned in the classroom with limited points of view, and shares some of his inspiring reflections.
Matt Ridley gives an inspiring speech in which he talks about the importance of the labor of Universidad Francisco Marroquín in spreading the ideas of freedom, prosperity and the creation of wealth, instead of the distribution of it.
I am a great optimist about the future because of the way that innovation and exchange have liberated us to be more prosperous, more peaceful and more compassionate than any generation of human beings”.
He shares his thoughts about how the prognostications about the future of humanity were wrong and reflects on how we need to keep battling to defend the arguments of free trade, enterprise, speech, innovation, markets and politics. Later describes how Darwin’s special theory of evolution by natural selection is the offspring of Adam Smith’s general theory of spontaneous order and how the application of the ideas of liberty has proven to have the best outcome for humanity.
Liberty is radical, it is equalizing, it is enriching and it gives power to people to help each other, not to rule each other”.
Learn more about his work and revolutionizing ideas!
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín