Presentación del libro: Desenmascarando la mentira keynesiana | Javier Milei

Javier Milei autor de Desenmascarando la mentira keynesiana, una obra en contra de La teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero discute en la presentación aspectos de su libro donde critica el daño que han provocado las teorías de John Maynard Keynes para justificar el robo de los políticos. Afirma Miley que […]

Liberal Perspective on Democracy and Equality

Robert (Bob) Chitester shared with students of Universidad Francisco Marroquín his thoughts on democracy and equality as well as some details of the person who fundamentally changed his life, Milton Friedman; whom he describes as a second father for the lessons he learned from him. He begins with a fictitious story to reflect on the […]

Cinema UFM: «Trailblazers, The New Zealand Story» (Documentary)

Robert (Bob) Chitester, executive producer of Trailblazers: The New Zealand Story, talks with the audience about the production, ideas behind, inspiration, challenges and experiences of creating Trailblazers, The New Zealand Story. What is the documentary about? In a nutshell: “At one time, New Zealand had the most government-controlled economy that existed outside the Iron Curtain. The […]

¿La educación tiene que ser estatal?

José Joaquín Fernández opina respecto de la intervención del Estado en la educación superior, y la responsabilidad que debe corresponder a cada ciudadano de buscar su propia profesionalización. También, cita los aportes de Milton Friedman en su obra Capitalismo y libertad, donde dedica un capítulo a la función del Gobierno en la educación y su […]

Robert Chitester, My TV Entrepreneurial Journey

Robert Chitester shares hints and tips from his TV entrepreneurial journey in creating the Free to Choose Network to guide students become media professionals and gives a brief introduction to Milton Friedman, a very rare “commodity” in the media business, because he was a great communicator of ideas. He describes Friedman’s characteristics and values, that […]

¿Es posible un sistema monetario sin banca central?

Juan Castañeda con su experiencia en política monetaria responde a diversos cuestionamientos sobre los resultados y beneficios que obtendrían los países si tuvieran una banca central privada que no estuviera controlada por el poder del Estado, que en su opinión ha sido el causante de las numerosas crisis financieras, producto de las desacertadas políticas monetarias […]

Communication: What Has Changed and How to Be Good at It

Robert (Bob) Chitester talks about the latest changes in the communication of ideas, in which he mentions the fragmentation of the distributors as the fundamental change. He says the audience has also evolute because their interests are different and the sources of information they trust have changed. Chitester shares his ideas regarding what makes a […]

Flemming Rose

Foreign affairs editor at Jyllands-Posten and senior fellow at Cato Institute

Robert Leeson

Robert Leeson is a prolific researcher and writer of economic journals and text. He is a Visiting Professor of Economics at Stanford University. Whilst alive, Milton Friedman made Leeson his de facto literary executor by granting permission to reproduce all his books, articles, correspondence and diary entries in Milton Friedman’s Collected Writings. Leeson’s articles have […]

Friedrich A. Hayek

Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992) was the best-known advocate of the Austrian economics. He earned his doctorates in law and political science at the University of Vienna. He attended the Ludwig von Mises’ private seminar; in 1927, he became director of the Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research; and in the early 1930s he moved to […]

Presentación del libro: Desenmascarando la mentira keynesiana | Javier Milei

Javier Milei autor de Desenmascarando la mentira keynesiana, una obra en contra de La teoría general de la ocupación, el interés y el dinero discute en la presentación aspectos de su libro donde critica el daño que han provocado las teorías de John Maynard Keynes para justificar el robo de los políticos. Afirma Miley que […]

Liberal Perspective on Democracy and Equality

Robert (Bob) Chitester shared with students of Universidad Francisco Marroquín his thoughts on democracy and equality as well as some details of the person who fundamentally changed his life, Milton Friedman; whom he describes as a second father for the lessons he learned from him. He begins with a fictitious story to reflect on the […]

Cinema UFM: «Trailblazers, The New Zealand Story» (Documentary)

Robert (Bob) Chitester, executive producer of Trailblazers: The New Zealand Story, talks with the audience about the production, ideas behind, inspiration, challenges and experiences of creating Trailblazers, The New Zealand Story. What is the documentary about? In a nutshell: “At one time, New Zealand had the most government-controlled economy that existed outside the Iron Curtain. The […]

¿La educación tiene que ser estatal?

José Joaquín Fernández opina respecto de la intervención del Estado en la educación superior, y la responsabilidad que debe corresponder a cada ciudadano de buscar su propia profesionalización. También, cita los aportes de Milton Friedman en su obra Capitalismo y libertad, donde dedica un capítulo a la función del Gobierno en la educación y su […]

Robert Chitester, My TV Entrepreneurial Journey

Robert Chitester shares hints and tips from his TV entrepreneurial journey in creating the Free to Choose Network to guide students become media professionals and gives a brief introduction to Milton Friedman, a very rare “commodity” in the media business, because he was a great communicator of ideas. He describes Friedman’s characteristics and values, that […]

¿Es posible un sistema monetario sin banca central?

Juan Castañeda con su experiencia en política monetaria responde a diversos cuestionamientos sobre los resultados y beneficios que obtendrían los países si tuvieran una banca central privada que no estuviera controlada por el poder del Estado, que en su opinión ha sido el causante de las numerosas crisis financieras, producto de las desacertadas políticas monetarias […]

Communication: What Has Changed and How to Be Good at It

Robert (Bob) Chitester talks about the latest changes in the communication of ideas, in which he mentions the fragmentation of the distributors as the fundamental change. He says the audience has also evolute because their interests are different and the sources of information they trust have changed. Chitester shares his ideas regarding what makes a […]

Flemming Rose

Foreign affairs editor at Jyllands-Posten and senior fellow at Cato Institute

Robert Leeson

Robert Leeson is a prolific researcher and writer of economic journals and text. He is a Visiting Professor of Economics at Stanford University. Whilst alive, Milton Friedman made Leeson his de facto literary executor by granting permission to reproduce all his books, articles, correspondence and diary entries in Milton Friedman’s Collected Writings. Leeson’s articles have […]

Friedrich A. Hayek

Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992) was the best-known advocate of the Austrian economics. He earned his doctorates in law and political science at the University of Vienna. He attended the Ludwig von Mises’ private seminar; in 1927, he became director of the Austrian Institute for Business Cycle Research; and in the early 1930s he moved to […]

Cinéfilos: foros, conferencias y eventos de la Escuela de Cine y Artes Visuales

Robert (Bob) Chitester, executive producer of Trailblazers: The New Zealand Story, talks with the audience about the production, ideas behind, inspiration, challenges and experiences of creating Trailblazers, The New Zealand Story. What is the documentary about? In a nutshell: “At one time, New Zealand had the most government-controlled economy that existed outside the Iron Curtain. The […]

Método de la Escuela Austriaca: nuevas perspectivas desde Fritz Machlup

Gabriel Zanotti introduce el seminario mencionando los aportes que hace Fritz Machlup a la Escuela Austriaca con su artículo «El problema de la verificación en Economía», relacionado con el tema de apriorismo, el cual divide en cuatro partes para su análisis : 1. Resumen de temas importantes sobre la filosofía de la ciencia en general, […]