New Media | 29 de junio de 2010 | Vistas: 47
Miguel Castillo comments on the political situation of the left groups in Guatemala after the signing of the Peace Accords. In his statement, he explains the electoral participation of the URNG, its political career, and the changes suffered within the organization. Also, based on an analysis of political events, published in different media, Castillo gives an outline on the matter, which makes evident that there is an existing reconversion of the left groups in the country, proposing a revolutionary warless socialist project through new themes or topics for the year 2016, which is abided by the Frente Nacional de Lucha from Venezuela; whose work policies study the possibility of creating fronts to confront transitional opponents such as mining, hydroelectric plants, and its main objective: the sugar industry. He also mentions communication strategies, the association of different social organizations, community vision, and the participation of the Catholic Church in the process. Finally, he points out that the fight of these groups continues to be ideological.
Versión en español Caso de estudio: la reconversión de la izquierda en Guatemala
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