  • 00:01    |    
    Initial credits
  • 00:06    |    
  • 00:56    |    
    What is bitcoin?
    • Bitcoin as a currency
    • Bitcoin as a method of payment
  • 03:06    |    
    Milton Friedman's ideas on the future of governments (video)
  • 05:08    |    
    Bitcoin in the past months
    • Decline of bitcoin's price
    • Chinese policies that led to the price decline
    • Bitcoin's big exchange: Mount (Mt.) Gox
  • 08:24    |    
    Warren Buffett's opinion on bitcoin
  • 09:38    |    
    Alternative cryptocurrencies
  • Famous bitcoin: "Coinye"
  • 11:22    |    
    Bitcoin's value
  • 13:27    |    
    Wall Street's eye on bitcoin
  • 15:33    |    
    Bill Miller investment on bitcoin
  • 17:11    |    
    Bitcoin goes physical
  • 18:27    |    
    Safe storage
  • 19:51    |    
    Negative shock on the financial system
  • What can be expected on the future of bitcoin
  • 23:40    |    
    Questions, answers and comments period
    • There's a certain limit to the supply, how did they choose that limit and based on what information?
    • When the monetary base reaches the limit, who is going to support the base?
    • What does it mean that bitcoins "get lost"? Do they disappear?
    • If certain bitcoins disappear, is there data to support the evidence?
    • How's the acceptance of bitcoins in Latin American countries? What do you expect to happen?
    • Who manages bitcoins? How can I really trust them and how does bitcoin's divisibility work?
      • Huge investments on bitcoin
      • Where is bitcoin's accountability?
      • Probability of hacking bitcoin
      • Bitcoin's divisibility
    • How would bitcoin work in accounting?
    • What would happen with money laundering?
    • Where could you buy bitcoins?
  • 47:29    |    
    Final credits

Is Bitcoin Dead?

New Media  | 11 de abril de 2014  | Vistas: 1205

"Bitcoin is a form of digital currency, created and held electronically. No one controls it. Bitcoins aren't printed, like dollars or euros – they're produced by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all around the world, using software that solves mathematical problems." [1]

Tuur Demeester shares a brief description of what is bitcoin as a currency and as a payment network; he explains how it works and talks about other alternative cryptocurrencies created in the market. As well he presents a video of an interview to Milton Friedman in 1999, where he predicts that in the future there will be "a reliable e-cash where people can transfer money without A knowing B and vice versa."

He goes on by explaining that many people believe this currency is going to die, as there have been some events that lead to a price decline and fear that the system can be hacked at any time, and shares the example of the bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox that lost thousands of bitcoins and declared bankruptcy in 2014. [2] However, Demeester explains, even though these negative events, there are still new investors in bitcoin including Wall Street.

Finally, he talks about how bitcoin is going to the mainstream by becoming physical as there are producers that created already bitcoin ATMs and explains other products for safe storage for bitcoins and comments on the positive aspects of bitcoin and what can be expected on the future.







Tuur Demeester is an early investor and advocate of Bitcoin. He…


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