  • 00:00    |    
    Initial credits
  • 00:06    |    
  • Recent developments in the war on drugs
  • 00:28    |    
    History of the war on drugs
    • Controlled substances act (CSA) and its consequences
    • Violence associated with the war on drugs in Latin America
    • Increase of public opinion in the support of legalizing medical marihuana
    • President Jimmy Carter's opinion of the legalization of marihuana
    • Return of a favourable public opinion and the californian referendum for legalizing medical marihuana
  • 06:32    |    
    Regulatory regimes for marihuana
    • Position of state legislation in the drug war
    • Reaction of the federal government to state legislation, from enforcement to treatment
    • Position of the United States Congress related to the war on drugs
    • Concern and legislation of crack cocaine
    • Restriction of needle and syringe exchange programs and its effects
    • The future in the legalization of marihuana
    • Direction of the drug war and the change of policy of other drugs
  • 17:57    |    
    Final credits

Is the U.S. War on Drugs Nearing an End?

New Media  | 09 de mayo de 2013  | Vistas: 14

Adam Dick revises the consequences of the United States War on Drugs, including increases in prison population, growth of turf wars between gangs and organized crime, violence in international fronts, and a continued use of illegal drugs despite government enforcement spending. He describes the subsequent pattern of increased support for legalization of marihuana at the state and local levels, accompanied by a sequence of standing federal restriction, especially on new synthetic drugs. For the uncertain future, Dick conjectures a persistent movement towards legalization specifically for marihuana, that may find federal resistance and may not to translate into other drugs. The only certain reality is the definitive consensus that the war on drugs has failed, and inevitably must change.


Adam Dick is attorney and policy consultant. He is former legislative…