MPC Portfolio Day | November 2022

Bárbara Cecilia Escalante Alvarado  | 08 de diciembre de 2022  | Vistas: 38

The "MPC Portfolio Day November 2022" event at Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala, showcased the experiential learning and personal growth of students in their second, third, and fourth years. The day began with presentations from students who shared their milestones and personal experiences from the semester. These ranged from creative projects, like video production and photography, to personal development activities, such as vegan cooking and surfing lessons. The event provided a platform for students to reflect on their learning journeys and the challenges they faced along the way.

My milestone was to create a video, so this was a really challenging situation for me."  — Emilia Peter 

One of the highlights was Emilia's presentation, where she discussed her foray into video creation despite being a photographer by trade. She highlighted the difficulties she encountered, such as underestimating the complexity of video editing. Emilia also shared her personal growth experiences, including taking up surfing and a barista course, which significantly improved her coffee-making skills. Another student spoke about opening a digital marketing LLC and participating in various art and fashion courses, demonstrating a blend of professional and creative growth.

I started doing more creative things; for a long time, I stopped drawing and this semester I started doing it again." —  Estefania Rosal 

Collaborative projects were a key focus, with students engaging in diverse activities like mask-making workshops, martial arts classes, and impromptu debates. These experiences were not only educational but also fostered a sense of community among the participants. The event highlighted the importance of collaboration and peer learning, as students worked together on projects and supported each other's growth. The combination of individual and collective efforts underscored the multifaceted nature of experiential learning.

I feel like this semester I've learned the most in experiential learning, especially I created three experiences for my peers."  —  Julia Figueroa 

In reflecting on their experiences, students emphasized the importance of time management, documentation, and sharing their work. They discussed how these skills were crucial for their development and how the semester's activities had helped them improve. Personal reflections revealed significant growth, with students acknowledging the need to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new challenges. The self-evaluations and peer feedback sessions provided valuable insights into their progress, making the MPC Portfolio Day a comprehensive showcase of their semester's accomplishments.




Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín