The Effects and Benefits of Immigration

Sophy Ramírez  | 10 de abril de 2020  | Vistas: 423

Immigration and open borders have always been a subject of controversy for every ideology or philosophy. The economist, Bryan Caplan exposes why universal progress would be much easier if a politic of open borders is applied in the world. 

Caplan explains how immigration works, with people moving from places where wages are low to places with high wages, this to improve life for themselves or their families. He states that this is not only beneficial for the workers but for the productivity of a country because individuals are moving from places where they produce little to where they can produce more. 

He points out what the immigration laws and restrictions do, in the way they stop progress, trap valuable labor in places where not much is accomplished, waste human resources, and make goods more expensive.  

What do immigration restrictions accomplish? The main thing they do is impoverished mankind; when economists estimate how much do immigration laws have impoverished mankind, they come up with the largest number I have ever seen in economics.”

The economist shares some examples of products that have not only benefited the producers but they have had a global impact, like computers, antibiotics, Uber services, etc. He explains this is an effect called Niagara falls economics, that happens when a little benefit spreads and it becomes an enormous benefit.

Then, Caplan describes the fundamental concerns that people and economists in the US argue for continuing with close borders, clarifying why they are not a big problem, and gives some solutions for these concerns:

  • The necessity to protect taxpayers
  • Protect culture
  • Protect American liberty

Countries should not think of themselves as families, because if people think of a country as a family, you’re not going to have freedom. Think about what are some things you do that your parents wouldn’t want you to do?.”

Bryan Caplan lists out some ideological currents and develops an argument in favor of open borders based on the fundamentalism of these philosophies, such as liberalism, utilitarianism, and meritocracy. 

Watch this video, and learn more about why open borders would be beneficial for the world economy.



Economist and author



Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín