What does it mean to be a classical liberal? | UFM Talks

New Media  | 04 de mayo de 2022  | Vistas: 73

Jesus introduces the UFM talk and the guest speaker, Bruce Caldwell, who is a respected university professor specializing in economics and the history of economic thought. The purpose of the talk is to explore the evolution of education in a rapidly changing world. The speaker argues that education must keep up with the times and be designed to help students discover their true selves. 

He discusses the upcoming release of the first volume of the Hayek biography, which includes information on the 1947 Mont Pelerin Society meeting. The speaker explains that he found documents in Hayek's archives and at the Hoover Institution that were previously unpublished, indicating that the Mont Pelerin Society papers should be more widely accessible. The book includes transcripts from 19 sessions and serves as a counterargument to those who portray the society as a secret society. And he also talks about the formation of a center in Paris after a conference that focused on the future of liberalism and how to revitalize it.

When I read these transcripts I don't see the sorts of things that these critics are claiming about liberalism being discussed”.-Bruce Caldwell

Something else that he mentions is the importance of Harold Luhnow, a person who was instrumental in putting people together and managing various projects, including financing for Ludwig von Mises and arranging for Carl Popper's position at the London School of Economics. Also, he talks about the different sessions that took place at the Mont Pelerin Society meeting in 1947, the Americans and Europeans during the Mont Pelerin Society meetings, etc. 

Another point he talks about is the development of classical liberalism and its different views during the 1950s and beyond. He explains that there were tensions among classical liberals regarding government intervention, with some defending economic intervention and others valuing civil society and republican virtuousness. The speaker highlights the importance of Hayek's "Constitution of Liberty" in articulating the foundations of a liberal society. He concludes by mentioning the disagreements that emerged among attendees at the meeting, particularly over agricultural intervention, with some recognizing the potential pitfalls of government intervention. 

The confusion surrounding Frank Knight's remarks regarding liberalism and Christianity. The speaker disagrees with describing all post-war promoters as classical liberals and notes the relationship between Keynes and Hayek. They also talk about his book titled "On Power," which discusses how power grows naturally and becomes more dangerous when a society transitions from a monarchy to a state that is able to tax. The tension between the more economistic approach of some members, such as Milton Friedman, and the larger issues addressed by others in the Mont Pelerin Society is also highlighted. The section ends by mentioning the break between Hayek and Rupke in the 60s and the emergence of the Friedman Chicago School branch of society.

You can rally behind that whereas liberalism is saying we're trying to create an environment, where people can have different views and pursue the things that are most important to them not where”.-  Bruce Caldwell

Another point that he discusses is the role of Bertrand de Jouvenel in the Mont Pelerin Society, who was a French intellectual forced to flee from the Gestapo and ended up living in Switzerland, where he met other members of the society. They also talk about his book titled "On Power," which discusses how power grows naturally and becomes more dangerous when a society transitions from a monarchy to a state that is able to tax. 

The tension between the more economistic approach of some members, such as Milton Friedman, and the larger issues addressed by others in the Mont Pelerin Society is also highlighted. The section ends by mentioning the break between Hayek and Rupke in the 60s and the emergence of the Friedman Chicago School branch of society.

And finally, the host closes the section by thanking the speaker and inviting the viewers to follow the graduate school networks and future activities.


Director, Escuela de Posgrado de la UFM


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Universidad Francisco Marroquín