Yulia Marushevska: How to Fight Corruption with Small Actions

New Media  | 01 de agosto de 2017  | Vistas: 470

Yulia Marushevska, known for publishing the video “I am ukrainian” that went viral in 2014, in which she explained the reasons that determined the protests of the Euromaidán, was part of 2017’s College Freedom Forum at UFM. In this interview she shares details of her motivation and journey, and how you can fight corruption with small actions.

She was a literature teacher by the end of autumn, when the protests started on the streets, arranged by young people who disagreed with the government's corrupt approach on the development for the country. This was part of the movement that encouraged her to take action herself. About the importance of human rights, she says:

That’s the most amazing thing in life; freedom and responsibility. It makes us independent and it makes us human”

Later Yulia describes what she believes is the biggest misconception regarding human rights. She says, at least in her country, people believes “someone” will come to defend a determined right for them, when in reality, we are the only ones who can change our reality. Yulia also describes what it was like to go back to her country and work for the government:

I spent more than a year, being the chief of Customs, and we cleaned it from the corruption”

Finally she encourages people to “do the small steps” and act for the causes you care about, surrounding yourself with people you trust and care about the same things than you, because to her “we are small alone, and we are huge together”.

More amazing interviews with the lecturers of 2017's College Freedom Forum at UFM:


Anti-corruption advocate and civil servant


Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.

Universidad Francisco Marroquín