Facultad de Ciencias Económicas | fce.ufm.edu | 8 Lecciones
Estefanía Campos | 20 de septiembre de 2019 | Vistas: 37
Business Business Day Comercio CompañíasRoy Ramon was part of the Business Day 2019, where he talked about his journey, potential investment opportunities and finally the qualities and traits an entrepreneur should have.
He talks about what moves the technology, such as data, that in his opinion is leading the leap, since every day we are generating huge amounts of unstructured data, a major opportunity for entrepreneurship. When it comes to innovation Roy talks about the aspects he evaluates in a project to decide whether to invest in it or not: the funding, market and scaling.
When we look at an innovation we want to look at things that have more impact and things that we can scale”.
Roy afterwards discusses the impact that artificial intelligence and machine learning will have on the economy in the next few years. According to studies, in the next 5 years these will be key tools that will bring higher productivity and it will affect every existing industry. Also talks about how to understand market tendencies to make investment decisions.
When choosing the industries or domains to invest, there are a few recommendations you should take in consideration, that Ramon explains, in consumer, health, finance, retail, government, energy, mobility, industrial and media industries. Later another topic discussed are the four important traits an entrepreneur should have: tenacity, elasticity, action and knowledge of the market.
When I look for a team, I’m trying to find these traits in the founders or the team”.
Get a broad perspective on the business opportunities that the world has to offer today if you are interested in investment and become a better entrepreneur with some great advice from Roy Ramon.
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín