Honorary Doctor Richard E. Wagner Delivers Speech to UFM Graduates (November 2023)

Lisa Quan  | 11 de noviembre de 2023  | Vistas: 304

Education Freedom of speech Liberty

The board of directors of Universidad Francisco Marroquín granted Richard E. Wagner an honorary doctoral degree in social sciences, the maximum distinction of this house of studies. Wagner expressed deep gratitude for the recognition of his lifelong work and the opportunity to engage with students and UFM members during his visit, emphasizing the immense potential he sees in the institution.

I am deeply honored to receive this award for a long lifetime of work.”

During the graduation ceremony in November 2023, Richard E. Wagner, shared his optimism about the future, indicating a belief in the institution's ability to uphold its founder's aspirations and contribute positively to the world.

The reality of the students and faculty at UFM, increases my degree of optimism in the world going forward.”

Acknowledging the pivotal role of the student body, Wagner ended with heartfelt gratitude for the moment in history and the enriching experience at UFM.


Honorary doctorate in social sciences