A Life That Inspires to Be an Entrepreneur

Estefanía Campos  | 24 de agosto de 2016  | Vistas: 416

Joseph (Yossi) Vardi shares his background and how he got interested in technology from a very short age and how that led him to create one of the first software companies in Israel, working for the Government for 12 years and later building technology companies as well as investing in them, that make him become one of the first “angel investors” of his country.

He shares a personal story that taught him a lot of important lessons, about his son asking him to invest in a project, which he didn’t believe in that time, but later became the first service of instantaneous messaging through online chat rooms, called (ICQ), which was downloaded more than 16 million times and gave revenues of 30 thousand dollars.

Later he talks about his motivation to keep investing in other technologies, software and companies after his first big success and the pressure he felt from his family. He also discusses the emergence of Israel as a high-tech country that has become attractive to tourists, where is him right now and where is he heading next. 

ALSO: Learn about Entrepreneurship and Software Engineering or Complex Systems.


High-tech entrepreneur, investor and strategic advisor

Matías de Tezanos es desarrollador de sitios web; actualmente, es CEO…


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