Regulating Human Action: State Dictates Versus Cooperative Agreements

Yasmin Valdez  | 12 de diciembre de 2018  | Vistas: 69

A society needs a set of rules to identify permissible and impermissible activities; these norms have to be based on the protection of human rights, but often the intervention of government impose arrangements that disturb society. Christopher Lingle examines the effects of regulating human action with centralized control and the alternatives to organize a community.

As an economist, I believe that every discussion must start with scarcity, is the underlying theme of economic analysis, is the basis of human action and choice.”

Linge starts explaining the concept of scarcity related to individuals wants, available resources, government intervention and other aspects related to human life. He presents two basic approaches to human action comparing the result of having political control, and on the other hand voluntary cooperation.

Christopher analyzes the term and problems with government regulation. Also why laws with state intervention don’t work out and cause a series of negative outcomes like less innovation, narrow ideological goals, limited choices, impose compliance costs, corruption, increased informal economy, reduced productivity, fewer investments, among other repercussions.

There is only one power that we need to really fear, and that is political power because is permanent, this idea of economic power is somewhat of an illusion, is transitory.”

The professor studies the counterpart of the regulation of human activity with private cooperative agreements within rule of law based on human nature. He arguments that the characteristics of these system based on self-regulation have positive effects on society and is an alternative of Government regulation.

Linge Share the reality of having less centralized governance and a more voluntary one using as reference economic performance, costs and market. He finishes sharing his conclusions of government regulation, self-imposed regulation and the outcomes of each method of social control.


Ph.D. in Economics