My Experience with Milton Friedman in Free to Choose Network

Robert (Bob) Chitester shares some personal stories on how he met Milton Friedman and what it was like to work with him in the T.V series Free To Choose and eventually other projects with the purpose of “using accessible and entertaining media to build popular support for personal, economic and political freedom thus advancing human […]

Libre para elegir – Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman fue un destacado economista estadounidense, defensor del libre mercado y oponente del keynesianismo. En esta serie de videos un grupo de distinguidos invitados se reúnen en la Universidad de Chicago para debatir junto a Friedman diferentes temas de la colección: Libre para elegir. Cuando las personas siguen sus propios intereses todos salen favorecidos.” […]

Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman (1912 – 2006) fue un destacado economista estadounidense, defensor del libre mercado y oponente máximo del keynesianismo (intervención fiscal como motor de crecimiento). Obtuvo el Premio Nobel de Economía en 1976, por sus logros en el análisis de consumo, historia y teoría monetaria. Recibió los títulos de BA de Rutgers University, MA de […]

Friedman Centennial Conference: A Conversation with Milton Friedman

During the 100th anniversary of Milton Friedman’s birth, local and visiting professors of UFM, and economists celebrate the lifelong work of this outstanding economist and thinker. Attendees recall Manuel Ayau’s friendship with Milton Friedman and point out the importance of their mission through both their lives. In this occasion, several questions are answered and explained […]

Milton Friedman’s Legacy

Robert Leeson talks about the legacy of Milton Friedman to the field of economics, and by sharing several different anecdotes, he tells Friedman’s personal background and comments on the impact that the crosscurrents of the twenty and twenty-first century had in his life. Leeson makes reference to biographical events such as Friedman’s family life in […]

Milton Friedman: His Influence in Economics and Politics

William Ruger talks about his reasons to write the book Milton Friedman, which is part of the series Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers, and during the conversation, he makes reference to the importance of such character for the history of the classical liberal, political and economic thought. Ruger also sets out the work of this […]

Influencia del pensamiento de Milton Friedman en el siglo XXI

Magín Díaz comenta que existen dos facetas en la personalidad de Milton Friedman; la primera es el académico que tuvo gran influencia en las áreas de economía, microeconomía, política monetaria, entre otras; y la segunda es el intelectual que lo distinguía de los demás liberales porque predicaba a todos en general sobre las bondades del libre mercado, […]

Interview with Rose and Milton Friedman

In this interview, Milton Friedman, who was awarded the 1976 Nobel Prize in Economics, describes the values, objectives, and beginnings of the Mont Pelerin Society. He explains what it was like to create a society dedicated to classical liberalism in a world where the prevailing economic views leaned towards central planning and collectivism. Since it […]

Robert Chatfield: The Power of Film in Education

The Antigua Forum is an exclusive, annual gathering of political reformers and entrepreneurs from around the world who believe in the power of human ingenuity and free enterprise to dramatically improve the well-being of people everywhere. Robert Chatfield, president and CEO of the Free to Choose Network, was interviewed by Francisco Gonzalez, CEO of Fearless […]

My Experience with Milton Friedman in Free to Choose Network

Robert (Bob) Chitester shares some personal stories on how he met Milton Friedman and what it was like to work with him in the T.V series Free To Choose and eventually other projects with the purpose of “using accessible and entertaining media to build popular support for personal, economic and political freedom thus advancing human […]

Libre para elegir – Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman fue un destacado economista estadounidense, defensor del libre mercado y oponente del keynesianismo. En esta serie de videos un grupo de distinguidos invitados se reúnen en la Universidad de Chicago para debatir junto a Friedman diferentes temas de la colección: Libre para elegir. Cuando las personas siguen sus propios intereses todos salen favorecidos.” […]

Friedman Centennial Conference: A Conversation with Milton Friedman

During the 100th anniversary of Milton Friedman’s birth, local and visiting professors of UFM, and economists celebrate the lifelong work of this outstanding economist and thinker. Attendees recall Manuel Ayau’s friendship with Milton Friedman and point out the importance of their mission through both their lives. In this occasion, several questions are answered and explained […]

Milton Friedman’s Legacy

Robert Leeson talks about the legacy of Milton Friedman to the field of economics, and by sharing several different anecdotes, he tells Friedman’s personal background and comments on the impact that the crosscurrents of the twenty and twenty-first century had in his life. Leeson makes reference to biographical events such as Friedman’s family life in […]

Milton Friedman: His Influence in Economics and Politics

William Ruger talks about his reasons to write the book Milton Friedman, which is part of the series Major Conservative and Libertarian Thinkers, and during the conversation, he makes reference to the importance of such character for the history of the classical liberal, political and economic thought. Ruger also sets out the work of this […]

Influencia del pensamiento de Milton Friedman en el siglo XXI

Magín Díaz comenta que existen dos facetas en la personalidad de Milton Friedman; la primera es el académico que tuvo gran influencia en las áreas de economía, microeconomía, política monetaria, entre otras; y la segunda es el intelectual que lo distinguía de los demás liberales porque predicaba a todos en general sobre las bondades del libre mercado, […]

Interview with Rose and Milton Friedman

In this interview, Milton Friedman, who was awarded the 1976 Nobel Prize in Economics, describes the values, objectives, and beginnings of the Mont Pelerin Society. He explains what it was like to create a society dedicated to classical liberalism in a world where the prevailing economic views leaned towards central planning and collectivism. Since it […]

Robert Chatfield: The Power of Film in Education

The Antigua Forum is an exclusive, annual gathering of political reformers and entrepreneurs from around the world who believe in the power of human ingenuity and free enterprise to dramatically improve the well-being of people everywhere. Robert Chatfield, president and CEO of the Free to Choose Network, was interviewed by Francisco Gonzalez, CEO of Fearless […]

Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman (1912 – 2006) fue un destacado economista estadounidense, defensor del libre mercado y oponente máximo del keynesianismo (intervención fiscal como motor de crecimiento). Obtuvo el Premio Nobel de Economía en 1976, por sus logros en el análisis de consumo, historia y teoría monetaria. Recibió los títulos de BA de Rutgers University, MA de […]

Libre para elegir – Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman fue un destacado economista estadounidense, defensor del libre mercado y oponente del keynesianismo. En esta serie de videos un grupo de distinguidos invitados se reúnen en la Universidad de Chicago para debatir junto a Friedman diferentes temas de la colección: Libre para elegir. Cuando las personas siguen sus propios intereses todos salen favorecidos.” […]

Antigua Forum

The Antigua Forum is an exclusive, annual gathering of political reformers and entrepreneurs from around the world who believe in the power of human ingenuity and free enterprise to dramatically improve the well-being of people everywhere. Robert Chatfield, president and CEO of the Free to Choose Network, was interviewed by Francisco Gonzalez, CEO of Fearless […]