Universidad Francisco Marroquín | inf@ufm.edu | 18 Lecciones
| 01 de agosto de 2001 | Vistas: 19901
Capitalism Entrepreneurship Excelencia FreedomIn his conversation with Manuel F. Ayau, William Weston explores Ayau's early beginnings, including his childhood, family and his experiences in other countries. He recounts how he participated in Guatemalan politics in different state offices that allowed him to discover the source of our country's underdevelopment. Ayau tells about the foundation of Centro de Estudios Económico-Sociales (CEES) and Universidad Francisco Marroquín, and describes the reasons that led him to the establishment of such important and prestigious institutions.
Despite all the obstacles he faced during this process, Manuel F. Ayau demonstrated that he could successfully fight for what he believed, proving to be a champion for liberty in several aspects of his life. He elucidates on the main ideas that have influenced him, including classical-liberal ones inspired on the Austrian School of Economics.
Fundador, Universidad Francisco Marroquín
William Weston ( - 2005) was president of Foundation Francisco Marroquín.…
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín