New Media | 20 de mayo de 2013 | Vistas: 110
Tim Hedberg tells the story of how he got involved with the ideas of liberty, the reach of the teachings of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, and how he became passionate about the ideas of freedom. After learning about economics from a UFM graduate and reading The Road to Serfdom, by Friedrich A. Hayek, he learned to apply the logic of economics to any situation and the importance of human liberty.
Hedberg is dedicated to communicating the ideas of liberty so that people can understand them easily. He is also passionate about improving human well-being and understands the role freedom plays in increasing material wealth. Tim recommends, to learn what others have to say about freedom.
Cofundador de Motivo Media, productor de video y mercadólogo
Director de Relaciones Públicas, Universidad Francisco Marroquín
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín