Learning How to Learn | Barbara Oakley

New Media  | 25 de noviembre de 2016  | Vistas: 614

Barbara Oakley explains that the ability to learn is one of the biggest attributes of the human being and through this lecture she helps the audience to get in touch with that attribute. She shares some insights about her background such as how she became an engineering professor when in the past, she didn’t do well at math; comments on the role her time in the army had in her learning process and how, at age 26, she decided to “change her brain” to learn science and mathematics.

Oakley shares some of the best practices and techniques she has proven to be good to learn effectively, but first she explains what the “focus” and “diffuse” modes are and how learning involves going back and forth between these two.

The brain, as we know, is enormously complicated, but fortunately we can simplify its operation into two fundamentally different modes: "focus" and "diffuse" modes."

She also comments comments on how to deal with procrastination, which can have serious negative long-term consequences in people's lives. She recommends the Pomodoro technique for good learning and explains how to apply it correctly.

Do not focus on finishing a task when you’re doing a Pomodoro”

Finally, she talks about why good sleep is a key element for learning and the need to exercise memory to take knowledge from working memory to long term memory; as well, she reflects on breaking the paradigm of education in which memorization is the only way to learn, because that is not true, it is understanding what matters.

Don’t miss Oakley’s final advice about following and broaden your passions.


Educator, Writer, Engineer, and Honorary Doctor of UFM


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