Antigua Forum | | 74 Lecciones
| 21 de enero de 2012 | Vistas: 59
Financial Reform Labor Market Reform New Zealand Reform StrategyRuth Richardson examines the elements that must come together to make reform happen. She discusses the key changes she made in New Zealand’s labor market and why she chose to prioritize labor reform while she was minister of finance. Richardson also explains why she believes the minister of finance of any country must also be a minister of reform.
This video has been made possible thanks to support from the John Templeton Foundation, Global Philanthropic Trust, and the Earhart Foundation.
This interview was recorded as part of The Antigua Forum 2012 gathering.
Ruth Richardson is former minister of finance of New Zealand. She…
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín