Antigua Forum | | 74 Lecciones
| 31 de enero de 2020 | Vistas: 130
Antigua Forum Economic Freedom Economy Free MarketIn the midst of this year’s Antigua Forum, Daniel Green conducted an interview with entrepreneur and project owner Magatte Wade, in which she shared part of her experience, growth, and desires for the future of her country. Poverty and discrimination are some of her main concerns; so her company Skin to Skin has been working to contribute and find solutions with many projects as the one she presented titled: "Making Wakanda Real".
Wakanda, it’s a fictional city in Africa very technologically advanced, very prosperous city, with Africans who are going on about their lives, and really not having anybody to envy around the world. Very very cool. For me it’s the ultimate vision for what I would like to see people be".
Wade explains her project as an opportunity to share a message on how her vision can reach others. She also hopes people acknowledge these issues so that people can work on solving them by rallying up and using everyone’s skills to bring more solutions associated with the free market, rule of law and economic freedom.
People will come up with stuff, and that’s going to be amazing. Some of this, most of us can’t even begin to imagine what it could be. So it’s like this idea of tapping into the wisdom of a crowd to help solve this problem".
We encourage you to watch the Antigua Forum interview collection, for more inspiring projects and personalities who are willing to share their most valuable ideas done with heart.
Nuestra misión es la enseñanza y difusión de los principios éticos, jurídicos y económicos de una sociedad de personas libres y responsables.
Universidad Francisco Marroquín